Beards & Bourbon Wirehaired Pointing Griffons

Coats of Wirehaired Pointing Griffon puppies vary greatly. Some are shorter and tighter; others are heavier and denser. The type of coat your puppy has will determine how much grooming or stripping is necessary and when you need to start the process. By around four months, your puppy’s coat will be beginning to develop. For puppies with heavier, longer coats, this means matting can start, so get a jump on hand stripping or regular combing. Puppies that are hand stripped at about five months of age tend to have denser, harsher coats, so if you are planning on showing your Wirehaired Pointing Griffon, be sure to strip that puppy coat to encourage the harsh adult coat to come in. Judges will thank you. Know that hand stripping does not hurt your puppy. You should be able to gently pull the hair and it should come right out. Initially, you are hand stripping all of the puppy’s wiry topcoat, leaving only the undercoat.  You can use rubber thimbles, finger condoms, or grippy fingers. These little gadgets help to pull the hair from the root without damaging or cutting. Let that topcoat grow out for a couple months and then you can start rolling the coat. This simply means the coat will never be terribly short or long, but just right. To do this, just go ahead and pluck those longer hairs that stick out every week or two. This allows you to build different lengths and layers as well as a nice, thick coat.
Remember, a perfect puppy coat and subsequent adult coat, means one that is protected and not damaged. Gently comb out burrs and stickers. Don’t rip them out.